
The Council and Police Scotland welcome responsible buskers who brighten up our city.


  • busk between 9am and 9pm
  • play at a considerate volume so passers-by can hear you but nearby businesses and residents are not disturbed
  • move on to another pitch at least 50 meters away after one hour
  • stop busking if anyone complains about what you’re doing or if requested by a Police. Otherwise you’ll risk being charged and having any equipment seized.

Please don’t

  • set up your pitch within 50 metres of another busker
  • spread out equipment or other items that could get in pedestrians way
  • busk near doorways or cash points
  • act or speak aggressively to people asking you to stop.

Please note you don't need a licence to busk.

The law

Under section 54 of the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982, Police Scotland can request for buskers to stop performing where their performance is disturbing others. If you don’t comply, the matter may be referred to the Procurator Fiscal and your equipment seized.

To report a nuisance busker, please contact Police Scotland on 101.